
I am a graphic & web designer, Michigander turn Oregonian, music lover and outdoor enthusiast.

I could bore you and tell you that I received a degree from a college or perhaps I took a semester off and decided that wasn’t enough and went back to school to study web design. I could also tell you I have done some work for non-profits, or that I am currently an in-house graphic designer and I’ve been balancing my “real job” with my freelance. But, I’m not going to do that.

I will tell you that I have a passion for design, I have a thing for typography and an itch for photography and videography.

I love the outdoors and I am inspired by music, love and life. I like beer. I like wine, I like food and obviously I love long walks on the beach. Take a look around, if you like what you see feel free to say hello! Let’s be friends.